Types of Running Workouts- Is Running Good for Weight Loss?

While there are many forms of exercise, running is considered one of the best ways to shed those extra pounds, not only it is cheaper and cater to our full body needs. It has been estimated that more than 64 million people have run at least once in the last year in the US alone. Let’s find out – “Is Running Good for Weight Loss?”

This article explains how running can help reduce weight.

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Running Workouts- Is Running Good for Weight Loss?

There are a few running styles that have their benefits and purpose. Let’s see some of the most common types.

1. Base Runs

Commonly known as the normal runs. These are short-to-moderate length runs approximately 6 miles or 10 km and are done at the runner’s natural pace.

a) Normal Run may help in improving efficient running form.
b) Helps in Physical tenderness, discipline & patience.

Is Running Good for Weight Loss

2. Long Runs

These are the longer version of the base run, done at a natural pace but a considerably longer distance of around 10-12 miles or 15-20 km. Besides, there are strategies to learn how to run a longer distance. They are of utmost help in improving fitness as well as endurance.

a) Long Runs help in removing waste from tired muscles.
b) This may help in giving strength to the heart.
c) Apart from improving fitness & endurance, it raises the confidence to the next level.

3. Interval Runs

Generally short, intense runs repeated several times with a short break in between. For instance, 5*0.5 mile runs with ΒΌ mile or 400 meters light jogging between every interval. These types of runs help train the running power along with speed.

a) This helps in utilizing oxygen in a great capacity.
b) Interval Runs may reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease.

4. Hill RepeatIs Running Good for Weight Loss?

These are quite similar to interval runs but are practiced uphill. For instance, ten*1-minute hill repeats. These improve the running power and speed as well as stamina.

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a) First & Foremost, it fastens your strides & enhances leg muscle strength.
b) This helps in improve your running economy & enhances length strides.

5. Recovery Run

the slow runs that are done after hard runs, such as hill repeats, add extra distance to the overall run. For example, a 4-minute run at a normal pace after a hard run.

a) This helps in restoring the increased blood flow.
b) Recovery runs help in removing the build-up of lactic acid & decreasing the soreness.

6. Progression Run

the competition-style runs that start at a slow pace and ends at a much faster pace. These enhance endurance, speed while reducing fatigue. For example, 5 miles or 8 km at a normal pace, followed by 1 mile or 1.5 km fast.

a) This helps in increasing the fast-paced Runs Volumes without adding fatigue.
b) Progression run may enhance the stamina for Running (especially for distance runners)

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Running can be helpful in weight loss as it involves our body from tip to toe and burns those extra calories that are not required by the body. However, there are a few points that should be born in mind while running to shed pounds.

4 Most Effective Tips to Lose Weight with Running

4 Most Effective Tips to Lose Weight with Running

Keep a check on your Diet

If you are running a great length, that doesn’t give you the privilege to eat more bowls of snacks. It is advised to keep track of meals while practicing running to lose weight. Some people tend to overestimate the calories they have burnt while running.

As a general calculation, a person burns 100 calories with every mile. Hence, if you run 2-3 miles, you are burning 200-300 calories only. The problem arises when a person adds a 400 calorie brownie or an extra slice of cheese to the pizza, which will compensate for the loss you have made during the run.

Though cravings are normal after a hard run, one should note the calories he is taking if weight loss is the sole goal of that run.

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Push Yourself

Be optimistic. Keep track of calories and the weight you are shedding. After all, that is the desired goal. Suppose you like sprints, which will burn more calories, have it. On the other hand, if you prefer walking or jogging, which will burn the calories slower, go for it.

Choose the exercise you are comfortable with. A study conducted in medicine and science in sports and exercise found that runners shed most of their weight than walkers over six years. Due to an after-burn effect as running at a high pace creates an after-burn which is when the body continues to burn those extra calories when you are resting.

Strength Training

Training is necessary for a lot of reasons. Firstly, it makes you are a much stronger runner and reduces the risk of injury. Running may seem hard if your muscles are not supportive. Secondly, lifting helps losing weight. The more lean muscle mass you have, the more calories will be burned at rest.

Work towards the Runner’s high

According to a study, it has been observed that running releases endocannabinoids which are related to pleasure and can keep you coming back for more. The more you run, the more you will feel the urge to run.

Try to run regularly or at least three times a week. Do not make the thought of running pressure on your mind. Please keep it simple and easy.

Takeaway- Is Running Good for Weight Loss?

Running is associated with a lot of other health benefits along with losing weight. Few of them are-
a) Reduce the risk of heart diseases
b) Maintain blood sugar level
c) No cataracts
d) Reduce the risk of falls
e) Reduces knee pain

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FAQs- Is Running Good for Weight Loss?

How much should I run to lose weight?

Running one mile burns 100 calories. If you wish to burn 200 calories, a distance of two miles should be covered, and so on.

Will I lose weight by running three times a week?

Yes, running on alternative days can help lose weight; however, the process will be quite slow.

How quickly will I see results from running?

If you are a medium-paced runner, you may see the results in 9-11 days, while if you are an intensive runner, the results can be observed in about 10-12 days.

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